How to sell your house fast in Florida

How to Sell Your Home Fast When You Transfer Jobs

How to Sell Your Home Fast When You Transfer Jobs

Are you in the middle of a job transfer in Florida? This is an exciting time for you and your family. However, you’re probably stressed out if you have a mortgage. Selling your home usually is never a fast process, which can make things difficult when you are relocating.

There are a few different things to consider when selling your home. 

  • Should I try to sell my home independently or hire a realtor? 
  • Would working with a cash buyer be a good direction to go in? 
  • What is my time frame for selling with these different options? 
  • Can I qualify for a second mortgage once I relocate? 

Asking these questions may help you decide how to sell your home. Further, it may also show you how much time you are looking at before the big move. Likewise, we will help you rule out the pros and cons of selling on your own. In addition, weigh pros and cons of hiring a realtor, or selling to a cash buyer. 

For Sale by Owner

Selling a home on your own is beneficial if you don’t have to make any repairs. Especially if you know of someone interested in purchasing your home. Moreover, if your home needs renovations or repairs, this can get very expensive. Furthermore, you most likely won't see a return after making these changes to the home. Too, if you don’t know anyone interested in purchasing the home, it will slow down the process. If you are in a hurry to sell, keep in mind it can take months to find a buyer. Likewise, you may not have the resources to list your home that a realtor has. This can make it almost impossible for buyers to be aware of your home. 

Hiring a Realtor

A realtor is especially helpful. They will come to your home, take professional pictures and list your home on the market. Likewise, they will advertise and help you find interested buyers. Moreover, the downfall is that they will require you to repair/remodel your home. This can make the home more attractive to a potential buyer. In addition, you will need to put a lot of money and time into the home. This doesn't always work when you need to get out ASAP. Furthermore, once you do sell the home, you will be left with paying a large percentage of your earnings to the realtor. This way of selling is not the most common approach to take. However, most people aren’t aware of the convenient option.

Selling to a Cash Buyer

Cash buyers like Blackjack Real Estate already have the funds in hand waiting to purchase peoples’ properties like yours. Furthermore, the benefit of working with a cash buyer is that they will purchase your home as is. In addition, this allows you to pocket more money since you didn't have to do major repairs. A cash buyer will come and give you a cash offer. Therefore, they can buy your home in a short seven days. Finally, you will be able to smoothly transition into your job. This also makes it so you have no problems applying for your new mortgage! 

If this sounds like something you are interested in, and you want to know more, give us a call at 850-601-4714 today. We would love to help get you out of your home. Furthermore, we help people in situations like yours all the time. This process is short, simple and painless.

Give us a call today